4 Qualities of Effective Leaders

4 Qualities of Effective Leaders


What makes an effective leader?

Harvard Business Review contributor Rebecca Knight cites 4 qualities:

1️⃣ Authenticity
How to cultivate: Ask for feedback from co-workers during casual and low-pressure situations. Ask them what you should keep doing, start doing, and stop doing.

2️⃣ Analytical prowess
How to improve: Stay curious and be proactive in using data to create better stories and outcomes for your organization.

3️⃣ Adaptability
How to strengthen: Constantly expose yourself to new environments and experiences with different kinds of people.

4️⃣ Empathy
How to develop: Always put yourself in the shoes of other people and ask yourself how would you like to be treated if you were in their position.

In this week’s edition of In the Loop, we put the spotlight on leadership and management insights and lessons from effective leaders.

🇰🇭 What Cambodia's honey industry can teach businesses

🇺🇸 Brewing success: How leadership catapulted Paradox Brewery to new heights

🇸🇬 Impostor syndrome and the incomplete leader

What Cambodia's honey industry can teach businesses

Cambodia Honey Association Executive Director Sem Sreytouch

🇰🇭 PHNOM PENH, KHCambodia’s honey industry has experienced steady growth in recent years. In 2021, the government awarded its first geographic indication (GI) label for the wild honey harvested in Mondulkiri Province. The protected GI label, granted to local products with distinctive regional qualities, has elevated the profile of Cambodian honey on the global stage.


Brewing success: How leadership catapulted Paradox Brewery to new heights

Paradox Brewery President and founder Paul Mrocka

🇺🇸 NEW YORK, NY — Paradox Brewery President and founder Paul Mrocka is widely credited for driving the New York-based to new levels of success through strategic planning, data-driven decision-making, and effective international partnerships.


Impostor syndrome and the incomplete leader

The workplace has evolved to become a more forgiving place for its leaders. (Illustration by Lianne Dominguez)

🇸🇬 SINGAPORE, SG — The notion that “leaders have to be flawless” is starting to disappear. Access to unlimited information, a.k.a. the Internet, should have changed this perception ages ago.

But now that everyone’s details, accomplishments, and track record are easily fact-checked and reviewed on the internet, there has been a rise in the number of anxiety-riddled executives. The same tool used for work productivity has also been a source of consternation.


Canada Business Report 2024: Building a Partnership for the Future

🇨🇦 Rooted in shared values and mutual interests, the relationship between Canada and its next-door neighbor, the United States, has grown beyond the economic and political spheres.


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GMI POST is currently creating investment guides for Cambodia and New York and New Jersey, USA to be published in JT. Send us an email to participate.

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